Michael Keating, Associate Director CDD

Michael Keating is the Associate Director and Senior Fellow at CDD. He is an expert in the area of media and business development with over twenty years experience as a management consultant and corporate execu- tive. Michael was formerly a Vice-President and Partner with the Boston Consulting Group and was also a vice- president and international project manager with the German media firm Bertelsmann. In 2005 Michael worked in Macedonia on the development of a national digital media strategy. He has also completed economic development projects in the Czech Republic, Russia and Romania.

In 2006, Michael!s focus has also been on Africa, primarily on developments in Liberia. His research and consult- ing interests are on the question of how to create sustainable media businesses in developing and post-conflict societies and how the media segment can best serve positive social outcomes in conflict-prone societies. He has conducted country risk studies in Nigeria and Zambia as part of his consulting activities and has also conducted specific sector studies in areas like cocoa production, mining and telecom.

Michael has a B.A. in Philosophy from Fordham University and pursued Graduate studies in Comparative Area studies at the University of Washington, where he also studied oriental languages. He has completed certificate programs on Corporate Finance topics at the Harvard Business School and the Amsterdam Institute of Finance topics at the Harvard Business School and the Amsterdam Institute of Finance. He was an Adjunct Faculty in the Management In- formation Systems Dept. at New York University in 1986. He has published several articles on "new media! and the internet, and as a Visiting Scholar at M.I.T. in 2002–2003, he researched and presented on the topic of the internet and political violence. In 2007 he was asked to participate in the annual “Business in Africa” conference held at the Harvard Business School.

Together We’ll Tell Stories

Imagine a democracy where every citizen had his or her voice heard and that leaders had a place to go whenever they wanted to know what the people were thinking. Well such a place rarely exists and the citizens of Liberia have only recently begun to demand a seat at the table of decision making regarding the issues that most affect their lives. Together Liberia is all about letting the people tell their own stories and empowering Liberian journalists to uncover and report on the issues of the … [Read more...]