"Our Job Here Is Not Easy"

  Radriffa slept sideways on the bed beneath barred windows, the morning light filling the room to wake him gently. His father, Peter Toby, sat beside him listening to the crackle of a handheld radio, taking in the day"s headlines. It was quiet that morning in Monrovia, and I stood in the corner of Toby"s one-room household processing that awkward feeling that comes when you peer into someone"s intimate moments. As a twenty-five year old grad student from the U.S. I felt more than out of … [Read more...]

Suppression Inna We Nation, It Makes the Poor People Weep

Corruption bringing poverty And poverty putting my sisters on the street... They abuse us many days And misuse us so many ways - Nasseman, 'Bonkey' We were first introduced to Rabbie Nassrallah, aka Nasseman, last Wednesday night, by Sayeed, the manager of our guesthouse. We didn't realize at the time that we were meeting Liberia's premier reggae star, nor just how quickly he would become a significant part of our project. Rabbie has been living in Monrovia his entire life, … [Read more...]

On the road to Rivercess …

We were told the drive to Cestos, in Rivercess County, should only take about three hours. It's roughly 180 miles. But I should have know better. Always double times and add some more. In the end, it took close to seven hours to travel to Cestos. The road was paved for half the distance. The other half was like being locked inside a pinball machine, bouncing around in the back of the van, trying to keep my head from slamming into the door. But the sights were good along the way. Here are a few … [Read more...]