Clarence Nah - Together Liberia

Age: 27
Home county: Grand Kru
Affiliation: pursuing Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication, University of Liberia.

“What really got me interested is that you get to meet a lot of people, feel the experiences of a lot of people, to listen to their stories and to tell them to the rest of the world.”

Clarence first became interested in media work after he graduated from high school in 2006. He heard an advertisement on the radio for a three-week broadcast skills training and decided to enroll. One year later, he joined a United Nations’ Mission in Liberia radio training, and he has remained with them for the past year.

While he had had training before, the Together Liberia training was the first time he had learned camera techniques, shooting on location and the importance of lighting. It was also the first time he had learned audio editing and interview techniques. The concept of storytelling was also new to Clarence. He said, “I’ve never told a story before, this was my first time. I will take it with me for the rest of my life. A lot of journalists out here aren’t used to that way of telling stories. They mainly focus on political stuff. But I think this way is the best, instead of you telling the story, the people tell the story themselves. I think training like this one will help me to tell people more of what is going on in the world. We need more training like this.”

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