Stefan Dunbar

Stefan, or Shimmy-Shim as he goes by in the music world, has a wide variety of interests. More

About Stefan Dunbar

Stefan, or Shimmy-Shim as he goes by in the music world, has a wide variety of interests. More

His dream: To be a doctor

  The 2011 graduating class of Cestos High School has decided as a class project to undertake the construction of a palava hut. This palava hut will be used for students to gather and discuss issues pertaining to the school. The cost of the project is estimated at $1,500 U.S. The 29 students in the class had to contribute $500 Liberian each. Donations from sponsors so far have amounted to $500 U.S., bringing the total amount raised to about $800 U.S. As senior class president, Ogache … [Read more...]